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Business Case For Sustainability

  To see how this relates sustainability please visit:   Understanding Environmental Sustainability.pdf

KSA Series Post 3: Embracing Change: The Role of Attitude in Technological Adaptation

In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern workplaces, where automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are reshaping how work is conducted, the importance of employee attitudes toward these changes cannot be overstated. The readiness with which employees embrace technological changes can significantly influence an organisation's ability to harness the potential of new tools and adapt to shifting market demands. While the focus often lies on developing technical skills and implementing new systems, the role of attitude—encompassing adaptability, openness to continuous learning and embracing change—is equally critical. This post aims to delve into the psychological and cultural aspects of technological adaptation in the workplace. It explores how positive attitudes towards technology and change can not only enhance individual and organisational performance but also mitigate the challenges posed by the rapid integration of new technologies. Conversely, resistance and negative at

KSA Series Post 2: Beyond Automation: The Dual-Edged Sword of Workplace Technology

In the modern workplace, technology, particularly automation and artificial intelligence (AI), plays a pivotal role in shaping job roles and operational efficiencies. While the narrative often champions the transformative potential of these technologies to increase productivity and streamline processes, the reality is more nuanced. Automation and AI not only redefine skills and job roles but also introduce significant challenges that can undermine these benefits. This post aims to delve deep into the dual impacts of automation and AI on workplace skills, examining both the enhancements and the complications they bring. As industries increasingly rely on sophisticated technologies to drive their operations, it becomes crucial to understand not just the potential but also the pitfalls of these advancements. By exploring the impacts of technology from multiple angles, we can better prepare for a future that balances technological integration with human capital needs. From manufactu

KSA Series Post 1: From Drucker to Digital: Tracing the Transformation of Knowledge Work

The concept of 'knowledge work' was first articulated by Peter Drucker in the latter half of the 20th century, distinguishing tasks that involve handling or using information from those that require manual labour. Drucker's insights have profoundly shaped our understanding of the professional landscape, emphasising the cerebral over the physical in creating value within the economy. Yet, as prescient as Drucker's characterisations were, even he could not have foreseen the seismic shifts that the digital revolution would bring to knowledge work. Today, technology saturates every facet of professional life, transforming how knowledge work is performed, valued and understood. The introduction of personal computing and the internet heralded new eras of accessibility and connectivity, ushering in changes not just to the tools we use but also fundamentally altering the nature of work itself. This digital transformation has accelerated in recent years with advancements in

From Oral Tradition to Podcasts: Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool

  The art of storytelling, an ancient pedagogical tool, has transcended time, evolving from the oral traditions of yore to the digital narratives of today. This evolution reflects the enduring power of stories to convey complex ideas, values and lessons across generations. In education, storytelling serves as a bridge between the abstract and the tangible, making the intricate web of philosophical concepts accessible and engaging to a broad audience. With the advent of digital media, particularly podcasts and video lectures, storytelling has embraced new formats that cater to the contemporary learner’s needs, offering a dynamic and interactive platform for exploring philosophical ideas. The transition from oral tradition to digital storytelling is not merely a change in medium but a transformation in the way we engage with and understand philosophical narratives. Podcasts and video lectures, as modern vessels of storytelling, extend the reach of philosophical discourse, inviting l