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Showing posts with the label Complex Systems

Fragile? in Complex Systems: (post 2)

  Complex systems, characterised by their interconnected and interdependent components, are fundamental to various domains such as finance, healthcare and environmental management. These systems, while capable of remarkable efficiency and performance under normal conditions, often exhibit significant fragility when exposed to stressors, shocks or volatility. Fragility in complex systems can lead to cascading failures, disproportionate responses to minor perturbations and catastrophic breakdowns. Understanding how fragility manifests in complex systems is crucial for developing strategies to enhance their resilience and stability. This post aims to explore the key characteristics of fragility in complex systems and discuss effective strategies for mitigating these vulnerabilities. By examining real-world examples and applying principles of antifragility, we can better navigate the uncertainties inherent in these systems and ensure their robust performance even in the face of adver