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Showing posts with the label machine learning

KSA Series Post 4: Ensuring Competence Amidst Change: The New Criteria for SQEP

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, the concept of being a Suitably Qualified and Experienced Person (SQEP) is undergoing significant transformation. Driven by relentless technological advancements and shifting market demands, the criteria defining competence and suitability for specific roles are no longer static. This post explores how the criteria for SQEP have evolved to incorporate not just technical skills and traditional experience but also adaptability, continuous learning and digital literacy. The increasing integration of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and digital communication tools into everyday business practices means that the workforce must continually adapt to new tools and processes. As a result, organisations must rethink what it means to be suitably qualified and experienced. The ability to quickly learn new skills and adapt to changing technologies has become just as important as having specific technical knowledge or yea

KSA Series Post 1: From Drucker to Digital: Tracing the Transformation of Knowledge Work

The concept of 'knowledge work' was first articulated by Peter Drucker in the latter half of the 20th century, distinguishing tasks that involve handling or using information from those that require manual labour. Drucker's insights have profoundly shaped our understanding of the professional landscape, emphasising the cerebral over the physical in creating value within the economy. Yet, as prescient as Drucker's characterisations were, even he could not have foreseen the seismic shifts that the digital revolution would bring to knowledge work. Today, technology saturates every facet of professional life, transforming how knowledge work is performed, valued and understood. The introduction of personal computing and the internet heralded new eras of accessibility and connectivity, ushering in changes not just to the tools we use but also fundamentally altering the nature of work itself. This digital transformation has accelerated in recent years with advancements in