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Showing posts with the label StrategicRiskManagement

Reimagining Enterprise Risk Management

In the dynamic and interconnected world of business, the discipline of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is undergoing a significant transformation. Reports such as the "2023 Global State of Risk Oversight" from the NC State Poole College of Management highlight an increasingly complex risk landscape, where the rapid evolution of global threats and opportunities are outpacing traditional methods of risk management. This evolving landscape demands a new approach to ERM—one that is not only more efficient and accurate but also comprehensive in its ability to navigate the myriad challenges posed by today’s global business environment. The limitations of traditional ERM tools are becoming more apparent, as noted in discussions by McKinsey & Company regarding the need for dynamic risk management strategies in uncertain times. Traditional approaches, often characterised by manual data collection and analysis, struggle to keep pace with the volume and velocity of information