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Philosophical Dialogue in Social Media: A New Agora

  In the digital age, the concept of the public square has undergone a remarkable transformation, transitioning from the physical spaces of ancient times to the virtual forums of social media. This shift represents a contemporary manifestation of the Agora, the central public space in ancient Greek city-states where citizens gathered to discuss politics, philosophy and the issues of the day. Today, social media platforms serve as the new Agora, offering expansive virtual spaces where individuals from across the globe engage in dialogue, exchange ideas and participate in the democratic process. The parallel between the historical Agora and modern social media is not merely symbolic but reflects a profound change in how public discourse is conducted. These platforms have the potential to democratise access to information, facilitate widespread engagement in philosophical debate and foster a sense of community among disparate individuals. However, the transition from the physical to

Briefing Note: World Economic Forum's Strategic Cybersecurity Talent Framework

Briefing Note: World Economic Forum's Strategic Cybersecurity Talent Framework Purpose : To provide an overview of the key issues and strategic solutions proposed in the World Economic Forum's Strategic Cybersecurity Talent Framework. Background : The cybersecurity industry is currently facing a global workforce shortage, estimated at nearly four million professionals, with significant implications for global security, economic stability and technological innovation. The Strategic Cybersecurity Talent Framework aims to address shortage by providing a comprehensive approach to talent management in cybersecurity. The workforce shortage is a global concern that spans nation states and industries. Estimates suggest that by 2030 there could be a global talent shortage of more than eighty-five million workers , leading to an estimated loss of $8.5 trillion in unrealized annual revenue.[1] Key Issues: Workforce Shortage:  Significant lack of skilled cybersecurity professionals gl

The Ethics of AI and Philosophical Inquiry

  As artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly permeates the educational sector, its integration raises profound ethical considerations and philosophical inquiries. This burgeoning role of AI in education is not merely a technological evolution but a philosophical watershed that challenges our traditional conceptions of learning, teaching and the human intellect itself. The deployment of AI-driven tools and systems in educational settings prompts a critical examination of how these technologies align with—or diverge from—the foundational principles of ethical pedagogy and the broader philosophical discourse on the nature of knowledge and learning. The exploration of AI in education extends beyond the technical capabilities of these systems to encompass the ethical dimensions of their use. It raises pressing questions about the balance between the efficiency and personalisation offered by AI and the preservation of critical human elements such as empathy, ethical judgment and the t

Navigating the Zero Trust Landscape in Cybersecurity

  Introduction: Whit in cybersecurity, the evolving nature of threats demands equally dynamic and robust defences. One strategy that has risen to prominence, especially in the wake of increased remote work and digital transformation, is the Zero Trust model. Unlike traditional security frameworks that operate on the assumption that everything inside an organization's network should be trusted, Zero Trust operates on a fundamental principle: "Never trust, always verify." High-Risk Insiders and Motivations: There has been a marked increase in concern for malicious insiders, rising from 60% in 2019 to 74% in 2024 , indicating a heightened awareness or experience of intentional insider attacks (Securonix (2024)). Zero Trust is not merely a set of technologies but a comprehensive approach to network security that significantly changes how organisations protect their critical systems and data. It involves rigorous identity verification, extensive use of encryption and

Educational Technologies: The New Academy

In the annals of educational history, Plato's Academy stands as a monumental testament to the enduring legacy of ancient pedagogical philosophies. Founded in the early 4th century BCE in Athens, the Academy was not merely an institution of learning but a cradle of intellectual discourse, where the pursuit of knowledge transcended the confines of the tangible world, venturing into the realm of ideas and forms. This pioneering establishment laid the groundwork for educational practices that have echoed through the ages, emphasising dialogue, inquiry and the holistic development of the learner. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the principles underpinning Plato's Academy gain new relevance in the context of modern educational technologies. These innovations, from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to Augmented Reality (AR) learning environments and AI-driven tutoring systems, represent the contemporary equivalents of the Academy, reshaping the landscape of l